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July 16, 2009

The Art Of Aqua Scaping

To truly understand the diversity of aquatic environments, many hobbyists have begun keeping "biotope" or "geographic" aquariums. In these tanks, the hobbyist attempts to simulate a specific habitat. The fish, plants, gravel, decor, and even water are each important parts of these set-ups. Generally speaking, a "geographic" aquarium simply represents an environment, and the items added should appear natural and conform with that habitat. In a "biotope" aquarium, more care is given to be certain that not only does each item appear appropriate, but that it actually is authentic to that region. For instance, the wood that is used should be of a type that is native to that area, and the sand must be the correct type of mineral for that region. The same is true for the plants and fish, etc. Setting up a true biotope aquarium can be an extensive undertaking. A geographic aquarium is a bit easier, and still allows an understanding of the habitat. Both require knowledge of the water conditions, which the aquarist should attempt to simulate in these nature environments.

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Town Central, Central, Singapore
At Nature Habitat Design is an Aquarium Service Specializing in System Design, Installation and Nature Aquarium Set Up, Maintenance Of Aquariums. We Custom Design Layout and Install Aquarium Systems to suit our clients' lifestyles and personal tastes. Nature Habitat Design also provides a full-service aquarium maintenance program to suit each client's individual needs … for freshwater planted-tanks services only. This post represents just a simple start to blogging for me, before I delve into the planted aquarium. I have lots of interesting things planned, as we take a closer look at the planted aquarium and its elaborate complexities and simple beauties. This is a perfect opportunity for me here at Nature Habitat Design to thank my customers and friends. You have helped to make my business such a great endeavor and success. Nature Habitat Design is a registered Company in Singapore.